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Mother, Lover, Friend, Companion, Antagonist
...taking on the world one letter at a time....

15 June 2010

Skinned Knees

Thanks to a little bit of water on the kitchen floor, preoccupation, and momentum I have two skinned knees and a slightly bruised ego.  I wanted to cry. Not because I was hurt, but because I was surprised and embarrassed.  Luckily, I'm okay and even though this wasn't a life threatening situation afterwards I found myself analyzing my life and what/who is important to me.  So.....Today I am grateful for my skinned knees. I'm grateful to all of the people that I work with who were genuinely concerned about me (and helped me clean the yogurt from EVERYWHERE).  I'm grateful that the mishap made me think of other people, instead of myself. I even appreciate Kay's joke about racking up the frequent flyer miles.  I am, however, still a little buggered that after pitting those black cherries and mixing them into my yougurt they ended up in the trash.  Perhaps I will try again tomorrow.

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