
My photo
Mother, Lover, Friend, Companion, Antagonist
...taking on the world one letter at a time....

20 April 2010

WTH is an Administrative Professional anyway?

April 21st...the day to celebrate Admin Profs.  Didn't this used to be called Secretary's Day?  How did "Secretary" get such a bad wrap?  Why does the glue only get credit one day out of the year?  What is an Administrative Professional anyway?  Is there a checklist or something, because I have a corner on my desk that would look much better with a boquet of flowers and I need a pedicure. 

14 April 2010


Love comes in many shapes and sizes. There are different love languages and various ways to receive love that has been freely give to us. 

Since I can remember, I've always liked to look at peoples hands.  For one reason or another I felt like I could make certain assumptions from a person's hands.  Even my own hands are scrutinized by this judgement on a daily basis. 

The hands you see before you are the hands of a man who spent his entire life working hard. Many times these knuckles were bloodied from a hard day's work.  There was often dirt under the nails as a result of many hours in a marvelous garden.  A garden which was nurtured by generous hands and produced enough for his family, his neighbors and even his customers.  These are strong hands that could toss a horseshoe across the yard to make a perfect ringer and push a tire swing loaded with giggly girls. These are intricate hands that could tie a fly or bait a hook ever so perfectly. They are also the sympathetic hands that comforted me in times of doubt, the soft hands that cuddled my foot the first time I stepped on a bee, and the teaching hands that help to mold me into the (self-proclaimed) marvelous cook that I am. 

To the man who washed these hands they were old, worn out, and riddled with knots and arthristis.  But to me...to ME they are the perfect example of love and the many forms it takes.
Oh, how I love and deeply miss these hands.

13 April 2010

Just a Little MORE Time....

This past weekend was not unlike any other - a marathon of sorts.  On this particular Saturday, however, we did something quite unique.  Hunter and I left the house early armed with coffee and a shovel because he and his teammates were going to be planting a tree outside of the new ball fields following opening ceremonies. 

Once the Mayor threw his opening pitch, big Cubbies and little Cubbies raced outside the field to claim "their" tree.  The boys were stoked and they had no idea that they were about to work their butts off.  Once the tree was in the hole the shoveling and raking began.  Many of the boys had never even handled a shovel.  It was fun to watch them try to figure it out.  There were times when I wanted to take the tools away from them and show em' how its done.  Instead I just got bossy with the coach and let him tell them what to do.  With a little sweat, a lot of teamwork, and thankfully NO blood the tree was planted properly. 

I had to take several brief moments to myself as I hid behind my phone/camera...thankfully my shades gave me proper protection from myself.  It occurred to me that my boy will have matured long before this tree.  Still, every year we will likely make a comparison of who has sprouted more (the tree may win in this dept.) and someday, maybe someday, I will be showing my grandkids which tree their daddy planted when he was their age.

05 April 2010


I've come to the frightening conclusion that no matter what I do, say, or think Mondays will always either be here or just around the corner.  Psuedo Mondays also seem to push their way into the week without regard to my feelings of objection.  So...with my head just above water and a cup of Joe in my hand I trudge forward. Into the plethura of emails, phone calls, and requests and look forward to a sense of accomplishment.  Though, I must warn you...this will be delayed until Friday. 

01 April 2010

It surprised me to see that it has been nearly a year since I added a post.  Looks like I'm as good at keeping a blog as I am at keeping a journal or cleaning dust bunnies or making phone calls or visiting people....
Oh how the list can go on and on and on.  Fortunately, I am also good at some things.  I'll have to work on that list later. 

Lists.  Oh how I love lists!  The last list I wrote was a list of things that were stressing me out.  If you've never written a list such as this-I highly recommend it.  Even if you take no further action, you will feel better that a piece of paper has been bloodied by your pen. 

I guess that's all I've got to say for now.  I need to work on this.